Hey you! Down in front!
blah blah blah blah
I'm in a pissy mood for some reason right now.
someone mentioned that my blog is just a listing of things i've done and not really a 'blog'. well, i guess that's true. i don't have a lot of 'i believe this' or 'i support this cause!' or 'i support this candidate!'. you know why?????? i don't like espousing my opinions when i don't have all the facts. i have heard too much from friends of my brother-in-law that were marines or in intelligence. there is so much about this war that we don't know about. i absolutely do not trust the media. they talk about only what they feel is sensational or shocking. you always hear about 10 soldiers killed! etc. yes, that's tragic, but how many people are killed everyday in robberies/drunk driving/accidents, etc. they choose what to report on, what to tell the public. i don't even trust the austin statesman after hearing some stuff from friends on the police force. they get their facts all wrong, they do whatever it takes to make an interesting 'story' and the public doesn't know the difference. i know bush is a big buffoon, and that's unfortunate. but, i don't have all the intel that he does. i can't make a judgement about this war and if it's necessary. i don't think americans really understand the living/social conditions of the middle east. i think we are spoiled by our liberties and freedom. i think american women, especially, choose to not think about the countries where a woman can't even go buy groceries by herself or the countries where widows are on the street, starving, because once their husband dies their family kicks them out. we just don't understand those societies. i don't support any candidates. they'll say whatever it takes to get elected and then do what they want when they get there. i have completely removed myself from politics. i don't want to discuss it.
i heard one of the war protesters on the news say 'nothing good ever came out of war!'. um, ok. what about america? what about the revolutionary war? AMERICA was founded through war. i think that's a pretty damn good thing. what about us fighting the germans and japanese in ww2? should we have just let them do whatever they wanted? sometimes war is the only way to stop bad people from doing bad things. it's just a shame when the leaders turn into pussies and don't finish what they started.
i was thinking about something on my way home. would we have won the revolutionary war or the civil war if we'd had the press/newspaper/internet like we do today? all the battles where we lost so many men, those that starved from insufficient supply lines, the towns that were damaged/destroyed. do you think if all that 'bad' stuff was in the news everyday that people would have just given up and stopped supporting the war? i wish i was a historian and could talk about all the details. i love watching the history channel, but i can never remember anything. i think at those times, the only people with real intel was the military and they made their decisions accordingly. if the public had all the info too and pressured the government to 'send our boys home!' or whatever, would we have stopped fighting the revolutionary war? i don't know. something to think about.
I'm in a pissy mood for some reason right now.
someone mentioned that my blog is just a listing of things i've done and not really a 'blog'. well, i guess that's true. i don't have a lot of 'i believe this' or 'i support this cause!' or 'i support this candidate!'. you know why?????? i don't like espousing my opinions when i don't have all the facts. i have heard too much from friends of my brother-in-law that were marines or in intelligence. there is so much about this war that we don't know about. i absolutely do not trust the media. they talk about only what they feel is sensational or shocking. you always hear about 10 soldiers killed! etc. yes, that's tragic, but how many people are killed everyday in robberies/drunk driving/accidents, etc. they choose what to report on, what to tell the public. i don't even trust the austin statesman after hearing some stuff from friends on the police force. they get their facts all wrong, they do whatever it takes to make an interesting 'story' and the public doesn't know the difference. i know bush is a big buffoon, and that's unfortunate. but, i don't have all the intel that he does. i can't make a judgement about this war and if it's necessary. i don't think americans really understand the living/social conditions of the middle east. i think we are spoiled by our liberties and freedom. i think american women, especially, choose to not think about the countries where a woman can't even go buy groceries by herself or the countries where widows are on the street, starving, because once their husband dies their family kicks them out. we just don't understand those societies. i don't support any candidates. they'll say whatever it takes to get elected and then do what they want when they get there. i have completely removed myself from politics. i don't want to discuss it.
i heard one of the war protesters on the news say 'nothing good ever came out of war!'. um, ok. what about america? what about the revolutionary war? AMERICA was founded through war. i think that's a pretty damn good thing. what about us fighting the germans and japanese in ww2? should we have just let them do whatever they wanted? sometimes war is the only way to stop bad people from doing bad things. it's just a shame when the leaders turn into pussies and don't finish what they started.
i was thinking about something on my way home. would we have won the revolutionary war or the civil war if we'd had the press/newspaper/internet like we do today? all the battles where we lost so many men, those that starved from insufficient supply lines, the towns that were damaged/destroyed. do you think if all that 'bad' stuff was in the news everyday that people would have just given up and stopped supporting the war? i wish i was a historian and could talk about all the details. i love watching the history channel, but i can never remember anything. i think at those times, the only people with real intel was the military and they made their decisions accordingly. if the public had all the info too and pressured the government to 'send our boys home!' or whatever, would we have stopped fighting the revolutionary war? i don't know. something to think about.
I don't think a blog has to be full of opinions to be called a "blog". It's what some people like to post, but not what everyone likes to read. Do whatever you want with it; it's yours :)
I agree with keeping my opinions to myself when I'm not sure about all the facts. Especially with anything you see on the news because like you said, they post what's sensational or what grabs attention. Living in another country probably lets me see more about the war with less of an American bias... but it's still biased to be sensational. I've seen several news stories on innocents being killed and interviews with children in hospitals who were shot by American soldiers, but that's to be expected when wartime soldiers are trained to kill first and ask questions later. And who knows, women and children hiding in a church really could be a cover for something else.
inertbat, at 9:30 AM, September 13, 2007
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