Speck Of Texas

Thursday, May 18, 2006

'Before' and 'During' Backsplash Pictures

These are what was there when I moved in to the house. It's not ugly, but it's not really me. It was wallpaper, and I thought that was a weird choice for a backsplash. It was hard to clean. And you can see how fugly the switch covers were.

Thought you might get a kick out of this. I call it my Italian Workbench. Six banana boxes and a door. Hey, it worked!
Those are all my tools for cutting the backboard.

This is the backboard that I had to put up once I found out that behind the wallpaper was cream laminate. At least it was easy taking the wallpaper off, since it wasn't glued too much to the laminate. The tile wouldn't stick to the laminate, so I had to screw this on. In one part the wall bowed out from the countertop so badly I had to put little pieces of backboard behind the big piece to push it out and make everything even. That's what those drawn boxes are. My dad helped me with this section, but I put up the rest of it. And I did all that cutting myself! (yes I did dull two saws with this project)

This is a picture of the 16 different colors of tile that I chose. It was a really good thing I had that many colors to choose from because it made the mosaic a little easier. I never had to put the same color right next to itself. I do have some tile left over, but I'll keep that if I ever need to make repairs.

Hammer? Meet Tile. Tile? Meet Hammer! (wrap tile in towel first - this part was FUN!)

Finished pics tomorrow!


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