Argh. I am sick today. I actually called in sick for work yesterday. There's a bad cold going around right now and usually I only catch light colds. But this one really knocked me down. I slept for most of yesterday butI had to go into work today to do payroll. I am feeling better though. At least I'll use up some sick time.
Melanie came over on Sunday and we started putting up the mosaic. I tried at first to lay all the pieces down on a towel measured to match a space on the wall, but that didn't work too well. What looked perfect on the towel didn't fit right on the wall. So we ended up doing it piece by piece. We worked for about three hours I think. It's going to take a lot longer than I thought! It looks so great, though. Pictures at the end!!! Gotta wait for it. I worked on it for a couple of hours tonight too. I'm doing one wall completely before I even start the other one. This way I can learn from any mistakes and do a really good job on the big area above the stove. I was going to try and do a pattern in the mosaic, but we'll have to see how ambitious I feel when we get to that part.
Movie updates:
The Island: sucks ass (and I love Ewan McGregor!)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: This did not have to be remade. The original is STILL the best. And what was up with all those flashbacks? This is not Highlander! And the Oompa Loompa songs were hard to understand. Waste of time.
Profit (the TV Series - cancelled quickly, but out on DVD- never saw it when it was on TV) - awesome, awesome, awesome. It was from 1996 and is so ahead of its time. It would be perfect on FX now.
Some good quotes:
Anyone who thinks controlling people is a science is dead wrong. It's an art.
If you want someone to love you, open your heart. If you want someone to be obsessed with you, close it.
Ok that's it for now. Gotta get my sleep.
Melanie came over on Sunday and we started putting up the mosaic. I tried at first to lay all the pieces down on a towel measured to match a space on the wall, but that didn't work too well. What looked perfect on the towel didn't fit right on the wall. So we ended up doing it piece by piece. We worked for about three hours I think. It's going to take a lot longer than I thought! It looks so great, though. Pictures at the end!!! Gotta wait for it. I worked on it for a couple of hours tonight too. I'm doing one wall completely before I even start the other one. This way I can learn from any mistakes and do a really good job on the big area above the stove. I was going to try and do a pattern in the mosaic, but we'll have to see how ambitious I feel when we get to that part.
Movie updates:
The Island: sucks ass (and I love Ewan McGregor!)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: This did not have to be remade. The original is STILL the best. And what was up with all those flashbacks? This is not Highlander! And the Oompa Loompa songs were hard to understand. Waste of time.
Profit (the TV Series - cancelled quickly, but out on DVD- never saw it when it was on TV) - awesome, awesome, awesome. It was from 1996 and is so ahead of its time. It would be perfect on FX now.
Some good quotes:
Anyone who thinks controlling people is a science is dead wrong. It's an art.
If you want someone to love you, open your heart. If you want someone to be obsessed with you, close it.
Ok that's it for now. Gotta get my sleep.
Sorry to hear that you're sick! Hope you feel better soon!
I know what you mean about those weird flashbacks. And the original Oompa Loompas and songs were much better. I like the part where the squirrels attacked Veruca though. Kinda creepy. And how Willie Wonka was so rude to the kids! That was great. Before I saw the movie my friends kept telling me that Willie Wonka talks like me, and then when I actually saw it, I kinda thought so too.
Oh! If I'd known you weren't watching what you ate anymore I'd have thrown Melty Kiss into your package! Shoot. This year they had strawberry ones. Thanks for offering to send peanut butter! But it's heavy and not worth the postage so don't worry about it. I found a place that sells small containers of Skippy so when I really need it at least it's available. But thanks though!
I wonder if I can find Melty Kiss anywhere still. Next time I'm in the city I'll check it out.
inertbat, at 6:51 AM, February 15, 2006
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