The Big Disappointment I call 'Ike'
Yes, yes, major devastation throughout Houston/Beaumont/Galveston. But I'm not there, am I? No, I'm in AUSTIN. Where on Friday they said we had a 100% chance of rain on Saturday with high winds, etc, etc, etc. And you know what we got? Cloudy skies and four drops of rain on my windshield. First Eduard disappointed us and gave us nothing. Now, Ike comes through and we miss it by miles! Michael and I were watching the Weather Channel and I kept chanting 'Go West! Go West!', but alas, it swept east and we got NOTHING. I don't want to water my damn lawn tonight! When's the next hurricane coming through? Tropical Depression? Nasty looking storm cloud? Anything? I even cleaned my garage so I could park my car inside! Ike, you let me down!