been awhile
ok, I know, I know, I know. It's been a while since I've posted. And hey, this is my 150th post! Crazy. Baby Ian is doing well. He's gained weight and is growing. There's a hole in a baby's heart (or near it?) when they are still growing and it's common for premies to need a surgery to close it. Luckily his is closing on its own. Melanie was put back on bed rest cause her blood pressure wasn't going down as fast as they hoped for. I saw him in the NICU when he was still around 1lb. He was so tiny and his hands and feet looked like a grownup - very thin and boney - not pudgy like a full-term baby's. I didn't expect that. Melanie sent out a more recent picture and it looks like he's getting pudgy now. I'm sure he'll be running around and getting into trouble in no time.
I finally got a TX phone number for my cell phone. I've been out here almost four years and I don't know why I waited so long. Just stubborn. My cell phone wasn't holding a charge so I decided to get a new phone and new phone number at the same time. If I haven't given you the new number let me know. Some of the email addresses I have were not working. Now I have to think of all the vendors that have the old number that I need to contact. Never changing my number again!
What's going on in my life you ask? Not much. I'm getting a little frustrated at work - we're trying to hire for a few positions and the doctors are being so picky about the candidates. Sometimes you just have to give someone a shot and see if if works out.
I have a ton of yard work to do. We've had rain followed by sun - which makes plants grow, y' know? Mike bought one of those robot lawn mowers and it is so cool. Maybe I'll break down one of these days, but for now I'll stick with my lawnmower - at least it's self propelled. I think I have to re-sod some of my front lawn. It's really really dead. It didn't help that I refused to water it last summer. Maybe I should rethink that policy for this summer. I just want to cement over the whole damn thing. And I saw more poison ivy on the side of the house. Not good. I'll probably be making another trip to the doctor after pulling it all out. I have such a bad reaction to it.
For my 150th post I was going to write about a bunch of stuff, but it's 12:30am and I really should go to bed. Maybe I'll save it all for the 200th!
I finally got a TX phone number for my cell phone. I've been out here almost four years and I don't know why I waited so long. Just stubborn. My cell phone wasn't holding a charge so I decided to get a new phone and new phone number at the same time. If I haven't given you the new number let me know. Some of the email addresses I have were not working. Now I have to think of all the vendors that have the old number that I need to contact. Never changing my number again!
What's going on in my life you ask? Not much. I'm getting a little frustrated at work - we're trying to hire for a few positions and the doctors are being so picky about the candidates. Sometimes you just have to give someone a shot and see if if works out.
I have a ton of yard work to do. We've had rain followed by sun - which makes plants grow, y' know? Mike bought one of those robot lawn mowers and it is so cool. Maybe I'll break down one of these days, but for now I'll stick with my lawnmower - at least it's self propelled. I think I have to re-sod some of my front lawn. It's really really dead. It didn't help that I refused to water it last summer. Maybe I should rethink that policy for this summer. I just want to cement over the whole damn thing. And I saw more poison ivy on the side of the house. Not good. I'll probably be making another trip to the doctor after pulling it all out. I have such a bad reaction to it.
For my 150th post I was going to write about a bunch of stuff, but it's 12:30am and I really should go to bed. Maybe I'll save it all for the 200th!
Robot lawnmower? What does it do? Sounds so sci-fi.
Congrats on getting a new phone! I just got a new one, too. I've fallen in love with it. Perhaps I'll devote an entire entry to it lol.
inertbat, at 12:40 AM, April 18, 2007
thanks for the package! those granola bars are so yummy! and thanks for all the magazines too! I watched a little of the random TV tape and I'd heard of Family Guy before but never actually seen it. I didn't even know it was a cartoon lol. I like the humor; it's kind of Simpson-esque. Thanks so much!!! I have one for you, too... sorry it's taking so long to send!
inertbat, at 3:23 AM, April 20, 2007
oh hey I forgot to answer your question about Buffy... I did a little searching and discovered that the special box set is cheaper on yahoo japan's auction site than getting each season individually, so don't worry about it. thanks :)
you asked if my computer plays avi files. um, is that the kind of file that Windows Media Player uses? And in your letter you mentioned Netflix. Is that like pay-per-view? I really should keep a little list of all these movies you mention that sound good.
inertbat, at 9:14 AM, April 24, 2007
I've only watched up till Season 6. I'll try not to get my hopes up too much when I start 8 then :)
Oh! another tape. looking forward to it! I'm still watching the other ones little by little. Thanks!
inertbat, at 12:15 AM, April 25, 2007
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