Speck Of Texas

Sunday, July 30, 2006

love it



  • YouTube is fantastic! Lately I've been hearing people mention it all over the place so checked it out. Couldn't stop laughing!

    Of course I remember Cheryl and Vicki! And that crazy lightshow at the end. But I seem to be losing my memory and don't remember cookies at Kim's place. Remind me about them! I do remember Kim vacuuming when we showed up and the house smelled so good of Glade Plugins (the yellow one with the lemony smell). And how I so skillfully stuck my foot in my mouth when she asked about what my mother does, and I replied that she doesn't do much of anything. Oh gosh, the memories.

    By Blogger inertbat, at 9:18 AM, August 06, 2006  

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    By Blogger Speck, at 7:28 PM, August 06, 2006  

  • I must say that's the funniest answer I've ever heard.

    For those not in the know....Kim asked Randy what his mom does. He replied that she doesn't do anything. Kim said 'oh, a homemaker, that's cool.' And then Randy replied, 'NO I MEAN SHE'S DEAD.' Ah, good time, good times.

    (deleted previous comment due to annoying spelling errors)

    By Blogger Speck, at 7:29 PM, August 06, 2006  

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