Speck Of Texas

Monday, October 23, 2006

Italy 2: No seasickness for me!

Day 2: Our first full day - we went to Capri. At first we were going to do Pompeii , but the weather was so clear, we thought we'd get better pictures in Capri. We caught a hydrofoil at the Sorrento Marina (large fast ship that raises out of the water on skis) and in about 20-30 minutes got to Capri. I wasn't sure if I'd get sick or not. The only time I've truly felt sea sick was in San Diego on a whale watching boat when we stopped to watch the whales and the boat was just lulling in the ocean. I didn't throw up, but had to go to the side and sit down. Luckily, I've realized as long as I have a reference point to focus my attention on, I do ok. I also completely forgot to bring the Dramamine with us that day. It was safe and sound at the hotel, but no help to me (or Matt). When we got to Capri we had lunch and then rented a motor boat for two hours and drove around the island. I didn't think it was wise to eat first and then immediately get on a little boat, but it turned out ok. I felt fine the whole time. That boat trip was one of the highlights of the entire trip. It would have been expensive for two people, but with four it worked out just fine. Mike had some experience with boats, so we let him drive. Here are pics of the Sorrento Marina (the first pic), arriving to Capri (2nd pic) and driving around Capri on the boat (3rd and 4th).

We also walked around the town. It was charming.
When we got back to Sorrento it was dark and Mike started fooling around with the options on his camera. Came out with this. We sat still for a couple seconds and then stood up. The shutter was open for so long it made us ghosts! I know if looks bright out, but it was like 10pm!


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