Speck Of Texas

Friday, September 02, 2005

Two comments...all from the same person!

Ok. So I get all excited seeing that there are TWO comments on my last post and they are from the SAME person! Oh the disappointment!!! But really, what did I expect? That the masses on the internet would flock to my little two-post blog? Probably for the best that they didn't.

Anyways, Austin has been having stuff on the news of the Katrina victims getting bused here for housing. I feel bad for all the girls named Katrina. It's got to be depressing hearing your name on the news all the time and how you've killed hundreds of people and destroyed New Orleans.

Did you year about the congressman from IL that commented that maybe New Orleans shouldn't be rebuilt? He backpedaled pretty fast and corrected himself to say that when it's rebuilt it should not be exactly as it was. Well, duh! But, he makes a good point. If Katrina was one of those hundred or two-hundred year storms should that stop them from rebuilding? It's like people living in a flood plane. You know why it's called a flood plane? Because it FLOODS. Maybe building a huge metropolis surrounded by lakes and the Mississippi River plus being 7 feet below sea level wasn't the brightest of ideas.

And now some of the people left in New Orleans are SHOOTING at their would-be rescuers. That's just great. Hey! There's a helicopter coming to airlift people out! Let's SHOOT IT! I just cannot believe that. Looting is one thing. Shooting at people trying to help you? Whatever.

On a side note...saw Kung Fu Hustle last night (gotta love Netflix). That was a pretty good movie. I thought it was a spoof from the previews but it's just a funny kung fu movie.

I am also now addicted to Veronica Mars. Since Charisma Carpenter will be on it next season I've been recording the repeats. I just watched like five episodes at once. I may actually have to buy this DVD set. Really good stories and that Logan guy is HOT.